As Valentine's Day approaches, I am all too aware of my love life - or
utter lack there of.
I sincerely dislike Valentine's Day and all its red and pink and promises of smiles and love. I find such a day rather disappointing. Why does a calender have to tell you that you should probably do something extra special for your extra special someone?
Why not March 23th?
Or August 17th?
I think I'd like to be surprised on both those days for no particular reason other than the fact that someone was thinking of me that particular day.
Maybe it's because I've become a ridiculously cynical person in almost every aspect of life,
Or maybe it's because Valentine's Day is almost completely a consumer holiday,
Or maybe it's because I've never actually been taken out on the 14th of February...
Yeh, that's probably it... but I'll let you decide.
February 14th, 2010: I spent a romantic 14 hours in Copely Library writing an English paper for my British Literature before 1800 class.
February 14, 2009: I got my oil changed and then spent 6 hours in Founder's RA office with my best friend and the boy who I not secretly, but openly, wished would ask me on a date for that particular night.
February 14, 2008: I went to class, put on a red shirt, and spent an uncomfortable amount of time watching happy people eat dinner at Outback Steakhouse.
February 14, 2007: Who really cares, the pattern is pretty consistent.
This year might actually prove to be be the worst of the last four.
I really didn't mind writing an 8 page paper for Dr. Stoll, I had a crush on him, and because of that paper I finally managed to get an A in one his classes.
Matty is my best friend, so even though I spent the night on duty, at least he was around, and drunk, and entirely entertaining.
And I loved working at Outback my freshman year, in fact, I think I even requested to work Valentine's Day.
But as always, the universe is against me, and I'll be spending 11 hours of my Valentine's Day at USD. Which might be more disappointing than the thought of someone feeling like they have to be nice to me because Hallmark said so.
I mean, clearly I'm bitter. And I say I hate all that is Valentine's Day and swear that even if my love life weren't a complete failure I'd hold the same opinion...
...but maybe someone wants to make me dinner, and open an 8 dollar bottle of wine, and let me sit in my pjs and have silly conversations with me?
Seriously, I need an excuse, any excuse, to get out of my contemporary dance class with the happiest woman in the world. I can't take another hour of physically interpreting Alicia Key's songs Monday after Monday, especially on a day where it's apparently appropriate to point out everyone's singleness.
February 14, 2011: I may or may not be the only person attending my 7:00pm dance class.