Monday, October 4, 2010

Challenges and Love

Things I love about today:

Watching Titus battle the hiccups
Left over chicken and rice for lunch
The way the cold weather makes my hair the perfect kind of curly
Seeing happy couples in Aromas
Flip flops and rain puddles
Hilarious voice mails from my roommate
Receiving advice from my fellow CASA workers
Laughing during horrific videos about bunnies in class
English breakfast tea, compliments of my favorite San Diego family
Study sessions with Anjuli in Aromas
Thinking about last night's conversations
Unexpected hugs from Kendra while standing in line to buy coffee
Staying after class to get clarity on confusing concepts
Making plans to talk with my favorite mentor
The heaters being on in Olin Hall :)
Teachers who show genuine interest in how you're doing in other classes
Long phone conversations with my mommy
Peanut butter toast with applesauce
Text messages from my soulmate
Going to the doctors and finally getting medicine!

Today's been rough.
Not only because Piper vomited all over my pants this morning, and the fluid build up behind my ear drums, but because I've been thinking more than normal and my head feels like it's spinning off it's axis.
I've been challenged lately.
Challenged to question who I am as a person, why I believe what I do, and what I plan on doing with my life.
I think this challenge comes from the best possible of places, and I'm feeling good about justifying my intentions and recognizing that I have so much to learn and so much to still figure out, its just coming at an incredibly busy time.
I love challenges and people who aren't afraid to ask difficult questions, therefore I am thankful for this, but frustrated all the same.

So in an effort to make today pleasant I decided to find everything wonderful about today : )
So there you have it.
There is always something positive in a shitty day.

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