"I'm more than just a pretty girl"
until the echo dissipated and was lost among the creatures who lack the ability to reason and comprehend. The creatures she felt God loved more than her human existence for he made their lives simple. No souls, no belief, no hope, no dreams, and especially no reasoning.
"I'm more than just a pretty girl"
She repeated over and over like her favorite curse word until she no longer knew what she was saying for the words lost all meaning and became nothing but noise. Noise was all she really wanted. Enough noise to drown out all the words from all the people she couldn't bear to hear.
Because she is more than just a pretty girl with a sad smile and twinkling eyes,
with the inability to be angry with the people who have wronged her and every ability to turn her anger towards those who don't deserve it and become the brunt of her frustrations taking in words that are not meant for them but who understand that her heart is big enough to forgive the people who maybe don't deserve forgiveness because she loves them all the same.
"I'm more than just a pretty girl"
This time she whispered it. In an effort to remind herself that she's got a heart worth sharing, a mind worth exploring, and a sense of humor worth experiencing. That she's more than just a pretty girl who stands on mountain tops and proclaims so because the people she's surrounded by have reduced her to such.
This girl is a dreamer with a vision to save the world that is crumbling beneath her even if it's one person at a time until there is no one left to save because she has enough faith for all of humanity, enough hope for all that are hopeless, and enough love for those who are lacking, and she will not stop until she has conquered every evil and transformed the hearts of others.
So take a second to look beyond her sad smile and sparkling eyes and realize that she has learned how to use the brain, the heart, and the soul God blessed her with because he loves her human existence more than any simple creature lacking the ability to believe, to hope, to dream, and especially, to reason.